Steamrip Galaxy Police Highway Patrol : Slaves of Osiris [v0.24] [Woolfie]
In the distant future, humanity has conquered the stars and spread across the galaxy under the leadership of the Emperor, a man who rules humanity from his palace on the moon. There's a show airing in this universe that no one, including the Emperor, is rumored to be missing out on: In Bed with Miranda Kane.
This Saturday evening (GMT on Earth), Dan Martin and his new wife Jill will follow the adventures of Eliza Madison...
Setting up in the training camp
Option added : lesbian route only
Coding : first part of player object
- Genre: 3dcg, Female Protagonist, Adventure, Blackmail, Sexual Harassment, Humiliation, Lesbian, Masturbation, Voyeurism, Graphic Violence, Interracial, Multiple endings, Sci-fi
- Developer: Woolfie
- Platform: PC
- Game Size: 1.5Gb
- Version: 0.24
- Pre-Installed Game