Visual Novel
Dreamland [v0.2.3] [Dokiden]
v0.2.3– All in-game dialogue has been revised to sound more natural.– Transitions between images have been improved.– Added the possessive suffix check.– Improved UI transitions.– Some of Danielle’s animations now have a faster movement .– Added a small credits button to the home menu.
Dreamland [v0.2.3] [Dokiden]
Alive [v1.0] [CSkin Games]
v1.0Alive has come to an end! The final Chapter is available today. Patch notes at the bottom.Alive represents almost two full years of work, and I am happy today to make the final chapter available here on itch! That’s right – Chapter 7 is the end. Alive is no longer a work in progress, but a completed game. It’s been a hell of a journey, but we’ve reached the goal. Over the next month I will be preparing to release Alive on steam – shortly after that (So in about a month or so) I will be creating a full walkthrough for Alive – more details on that on my patreon now, or here at a later date, when we’re closer to releasing it. Also note the number is 0.99 – as part of the Steam release I’m working on, I am also working on a visual rework of CH1-3. That will constitute 1.0 and the final build, but that will be ready sometime late next month. For now, patch notes!– Added over 2100 new renders, a dozen+ animations, and over 20k words. Chapter 7 brings our story to it’s conclusion so it only seemed right it was the biggest release by far!– Tweaked volleyball difficulty. If minigames are disabled, it remains unchanged. With them enabled, easy mode (erin) is still painfully easy… The other 2 have seen an increase in difficulty. As a side note, Erin win or lose has no effect other than dialogue and a few renders immediately following the match. Winning or losing with Nikki affects a scene, and winning or losing with Mary can have a major storyline effect. (Only if you’re on a certain path. If you’re not, it’s the same as with Erin).– Fixed Skeeball minigame – it was previously impossible to lose! Oops. You can now lose as intended.– Fixed a few minor grammar/spelling issues. Hopefully I didn’t add too many.– New Gallery entries.– Replaced (very low effort) splash screen. It’s now 100% better!– Added discord link to main menu. I don’t actually use it ever (It is DEAD capital DEAD in there), but it *IS* the best way to contact me with bug reports, questions, or anything else. (Patreon message is 2nd best, Twitter is a very distant 4th. Carrier Pigeon is 3rd.)– 29 New music tracks! Much wow!
Alive [v1.0] [CSkin Games]
White Russian [Ep.1-8 Part 3] [Nekoma games]
Ep.1-8 Part 3
White Russian [Ep.1-8 Part 3] [Nekoma games]
Christmas Bloody Christmas [v1.0] [Black Hood Games]
Christmas Bloody Christmas [v1.0] [Black Hood Games]
Matrix Hearts [v0.3.4] [Blue Otter Games]
Chapter 3 Part 2 (v3.4)+1700+ new renders+All animations in game+The complete second arc of Chapter 3+Otter Hunt for Chapter 3+1-3 hours of gameplay depending on read speed, attention to renders, and replaysThis is not the Steam . It doesn’t include the full of the game, with features like achievements, the Point and Click Spheres (aside from one to introduce a character), the new phone feature, polished new animations, and more.